Custom Pages

Custom Page Support

Next allows users to add custom pages in menu.

Change to site root directory in your terminal. Use hexo new page custom-name to create a new custom-name page:

$ cd hexo-site
$ hexo new page custom-name

Front-matter is a block of YAML or JSON at the beginning of the file that is used to configure settings for your writings. Settings front-matter values and more detailed can be found in front-matter. You can also add contents in custom-name/ if you like.

title: custom-name
date: 2014-12-22 12:39:04

Add custom-name to menu by editing NexT config file, like adding about page:

NexT config file
home: / || fa fa-home
archives: /archives/ || fa fa-archive
about: /about/ || fa fa-user

If you want to add Tags or Categories page, please continue reading.
Please read Hexo’s Docs of Categories & Tags to know how to add tags or categories for articles.
Following code shows you a example of article with tags:

title: Tags Testing Article
tags: [Testing, Another Tag]
title: Tags Testing Article
- Testing
- Another Tag

Use Archive Page as Home Page

You can configure the path of archive and index generator in Hexo config file, e.g.

Hexo config file
archive_dir: /

path: archives
per_page: 10
order_by: -date

Adding «Tags» Page

Adding «Tags» page and show «Tags» link in menu. «Tags» page will show all tags of site. If no article has tags, this page will leave blank.

Change to site root directory in your terminal. Use hexo new page tags to create a new tags page:

$ cd hexo-site
$ hexo new page tags

Edit the new page and change the type to tags, theme will show tags cloud automatically in this page. Page content looks like following:

title: Tags
date: 2014-12-22 12:39:04
type: tags

Add tags to menu by editing NexT config file, like following:

NexT config file
home: / || fa fa-home
archives: /archives/ || fa fa-archive
tags: /tags/ || fa fa-tags

If you enable any comment system for your site, comments will be shown for all posts and pages.
See «How to Disable Comments on Page» if you want to do it for pages like tags or categories.

The default Hexo plugin hexo-generator-tag provides an option called enable_index_page, which will conflict with the «Tags» page created above. Make sure you have the option disabled.

Hexo config file
enable_index_page: false


By default, NexT has setted font color and size for tagcloud in tags page.
From NexT v7.0.2 you can customize them, just set related values in NexT config file:

NexT config file
# TagCloud settings for tags page.
min: 12 # Minimum font size in px
max: 30 # Maximum font size in px
amount: 200 # Total amount of tags
orderby: name # Order of tags
order: 1 # Sort order

Adding «Categories» Page

«Categories» page can be added in similar way as «Tags» page, only name there is difference: just need to replace tags with categories.

Adding Google Calendar Page

Mind that you need to make sure first you are adding a calendar that is set to public. If you are unsure, please follow these instructions first to set a Google calendar public before adding it.

More detailed documentation on creating & managing a public Google calendar:

Follow these instructions to find your Google Calendar ID.

Login to Google developers and add Google Calendar API, you will get your API KEY on the credentials page.

You can enable it by setting values in calendar part. Copy the value of Calendar ID and API KEY in NexT config file.

NexT config file
calendar_id: <required>
api_key: <required>
orderBy: startTime
showLocation: false
offsetMax: 72
offsetMin: 4
showDeleted: false
singleEvents: true
maxResults: 250

Change to site root directory in your terminal. Use hexo new page schedule to create a new schedule page:

$ cd hexo-site
$ hexo new page schedule

Edit the new page and change the type to schedule, theme will show schedule automatically in this page. Page content looks like following:

title: Schedule
date: 2014-12-22 12:39:04
type: schedule

Add schedule to menu by editing NexT config file:

NexT config file
home: / || fa fa-home
archives: /archives/ || fa fa-archive
schedule: /schedule/ || fa fa-calendar

Custom 404 Page

In your terminal, change to the source folder of site root directory. Create a new folder called 404, then create a new page in it:

$ cd hexo-site
$ hexo new page 404

Make sure relative_link is disabled in Hexo config file:

Hexo config file
relative_link: false

Whether users can be redirected to the 404 page depends on the settings of the website hosting service or web server, not Hexo. For example, if you use Nginx as the server, you also need to configure the 404 page in nginx.conf file.

Commonweal 404

If you would like to enable commonweal 404 (A service provided by Tencent in China), Edit 404/ like this:

title: '404'
date: 2014-12-22 12:39:04
comments: false
<script src="//"
charset="utf-8" homePageUrl="/" homePageName="Back to home">

You can also add any content you want to it.

Add 404 to menu by editing NexT config file:

NexT config file
home: / || fa fa-home
archives: /archives/ || fa fa-archive
commonweal: /404/ || fa fa-heartbeat