SEO Setting

Next provides useful options for better Search Engine Optimization (SEO).

By default a canonical link tag is created in Hexo after you have set up your URL url: in Hexo config file. More detailed information can be found in Consolidate duplicate URLs.

Set the value of index_with_subtitle in NexT config file to true to add subtitle information to index page.

NexT config file
index_with_subtitle: true

You can set subtitle in Hexo config file.

Webmaster Tools

Google Webmaster Tools

Set the verification string of Google Webmaster Tools which is used in submitting sitemap.

Login to Google Webmaster Tools and go to verification methods and choose HTML Tag, you will get some code:

<meta name="google-site-verification" content="XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX">

Copy XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX value of content key.
Edit NexT config file and add or change the value of google_site_verification:

NexT config file
google_site_verification: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX

Bing Webmaster Tools

Set the verification string of Bing Webmaster Tools which is used in submitting sitemap.

Login to Bing Webmaster Tools and go to verification methods and choose HTML Tag, you will get some code:

<meta name="msvalidate.01" content="XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX">

Copy XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX value of content key.
Edit NexT config file and add or change the value of bing_site_verification:

NexT config file
bing_site_verification: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX

Yandex Webmaster Tools

Set the verification string of Yandex Webmaster Tools which is used in submitting sitemap.

Login to Yandex Webmaster Tools and go to verification methods and choose Meta Tag, you will get some code:

<meta name="yandex-verification" content="XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX">

Copy XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX value of content key.
Edit NexT config file and add or change the value of yandex_site_verification:

NexT config file
yandex_site_verification: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX

Baidu Webmaster Tools

Set the verification string of Baidu Webmaster Tools which is used in submitting sitemap.

Login to Baidu Webmaster Tools and go to verification methods and choose HTML Tag, you will get some code:

<meta name="baidu-site-verification" content="code-XXXXXXXXXX">

Copy code-XXXXXXXXXX value of content key.
Edit NexT config file and add or change the value of baidu_site_verification:

NexT config file
baidu_site_verification: code-XXXXXXXXXX

By default Baidu will cache and rewrite your site to provide a webpage snapshot for mobile users. You can disable this by setting the site type.

Baidu Webmaster Tools